We strive to always provide personalized dental care and use comprehensive treatment planning to help all of our patients achieve the maximum dental health benefits. We will always make every effort to see you as quickly as possible!
We believe in the concept of preventive care and education when it comes to optimal dental health. Our goal is to provide dental wellness services rather than disease care. Routine cleanings, flossing, sealants, and fluoride are very important factors in preventing dental disease. We focus not only on the beauty of your smile, but your overall health as well. Reviewing your medical history helps us stay informed about your medical health and any issues that may be relative to your dental health.
We strive to make sure that our office is one where your safety is paramount, thus keeping infection to a minimum. We follow standards recommended by the American Dental Association (ADA), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in order to ensure that your visit to our office is as germ-free as possible.
Your dental health is important to us. We want you to be confident in our training and expertise as skilled clinicians. In order to maintain the high level of service and results that you demand and deserve, we are continually updating our education. By participating in dental lectures, meetings, and conventions, we remain in full awareness of any new techniques, products, and equipment that become available. We want to provide the highest level of care for our patients.
We want to build a foundation of trust with our patients so that you will have positive experiences in our office. Some people naturally feel uneasy about dental visits, so if we can help your experiences be as comfortable as possible, we have accomplished a major goal. Each of us is dedicated to making sure that you have excellent personalized care in order to make your visits as comfortable and pleasant as possible.
We appreciate your faith in us and thank you for the opportunity to take care of your dental needs.